Category: Fuel Tanker Trucks
    Retail Price CheckerAuction Price Checker
    Total number of listings found9848
    Highest price foundEUR €63,110EUR €64,125
    Lowest price foundEUR €116EUR €454
    Average priceEUR €21,864EUR €15,160
    Avg. w/o High & LowEUR €21,661EUR €14,415

    Here is an at-a-glance view of current "quick sale", auction prices, and also current asking, or "retail", prices. We have done computations on both "Equipment For Sale" & "Auction Results" listings for the type of equipment you specified. Above you see the average price found, the highest & lowest prices, and the average price computed again after throwing out the highest & lowest prices. For clarification, we've also displayed the number of listings on which the computations were performed. (NOTE: Items without a price have been omitted from the calculations.)