Grab Loader Trucks

    Grab loader trucks are equipped with large trailers plus a crane and grab between the cab and the container. The grab is used to pick up, load, and unload debris and other materials.

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    Grab Loader Trucks

    Truck operators are always looking for ways to save money and consolidate, which often means finding versatile vehicles that can do more than one job. Grab loader trucks are a great example of this because they not only come equipped with large trailers on the back, but also with a crane and grab between the cab and the container that can be used to pick up debris and other materials and load it. Most grab loader trucks also come configured as tippers, so once the cargo is hauled to its final destination, it’s easier to unload it.

    There are of course important factors to keep in mind with a truck like this, including the maximum capacity of the trailer and the lifting capacity of the crane. Keeping these factors in mind will help you find the right truck for the job and prevent putting undue stress on the vehicle and its components. Some of the most common grab loader trucks for sale on come from manufacturers such as DAF, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Scania, and IVECO, just to name a few.