Renault Magnum Review

    First manufactured in 1990, the Magnum was renowned for being the flagship truck made by Renault. Like a lot of their more established ranges, the Magnum was discontinued in 2013, but has managed to enjoy some popularity among drivers throughout Europe...

    RENAULT MAGNUM Trucks & Trailers For Sale in AYLESBURY, United Kingdom

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    Renault Magnum - A Trucking Legend

    First manufactured in 1990, the Magnum was renowned for being the flagship truck made by Renault. Like a lot of their more established ranges, the Magnum was discontinued in 2013, but has managed to enjoy some popularity among drivers throughout Europe. Earlier models were seen as inferior, although newer versions of the Magnum were much-improved.

    The Magnum mainly comes in the form of a tractor unit, although drawbars are also available for use as skiploaders. Magnums are known for having pretty spacious cabs, making for comfortable journeys, while the flat floor, as used for the Magnum lorries, was seen as revolutionary when first revealed back in 1992. More recent models are up to scratch emission-wise.

    Choice of Engines

    The engines for the Magnum, which is among the biggest trucks Renault has ever produced, were pretty powerful. Earlier models had engines with power ratings of 460 bhp and 500 bhp. With the new 13-litre engine rated at 480 and 520 bhp, power and speed have never really been issues with the Magnum.

    Despite having so much power in front of the wheel and more recent models using SCR at Euro 4 and 5, fuel economy has fallen some way short of its rivals. The payload as well as MPG suffers due to the weight of each truck, the majority of them weighing 44 tonnes.

    Due to their size, some Magnums aren't particularly aerodynamic. Moving in tight spaces is a tricky thing to do in one of these, but what they lack in manoeuvrability, they make up for in terms of durability.

    It's possible to find many early Magnums on the road today in full working order. The older ones tend to be pretty well-equipped too, coming with the tech needed on the dashboard from electric windows to ABS. Newer Magnums come equipped with the Optidriver+ gearbox as standard.

    Renault Magnum in a nutshell

    Although not perfect, the Magnum is worth a look for those who need an extra-large truck to get from A to B without much fuss.

    Typical Used Renault Magnum for Sale